The German part of the META-NORD Sofie Parallel Treebank. This is a syntactically annotated parallel corpus based on the first chapters of the novel “Sofies verden” (Sophie's World) by Jostein Gaarder, published by Aschehoug forlag. The German treebank consists of grammatical annotations of extracts from the German translation of the novel, originally created as part of the Nordic Treebanking Network and now included in the extended META-NORD Sofie Parallel Treebank. The novel was translated by Gabriele Haefs and the German translation is published by Carl Hanser Verlag. For more information, see the metadata description of the META-NORD Sofie Parallel Treebank. [less]
The German part of the META-NORD Sofie Parallel Treebank. This is a syntactically annotated parallel… [more]
About 1000000 words of Icelandic text, from every century between the 12th and the 21st centuries inclusive annotated for phrase structure, part-of-speech-tagged and lemmatized. A copy of the treebank is searchable via the INESS portal. The original is downloadable on a LGPL license, see elsewhere in the metadata for a link. [less]
About 1000000 words of Icelandic text, from every century between the 12th and the 21st centuries in… [more]
The Icelandic part of the META-NORD Sofie Parallel Treebank. This is a syntactically annotated parallel corpus based on the first chapters of the novel “Sofies verden” (Sophie's World) by Jostein Gaarder, published by Aschehoug forlag. The treebank consists of grammatical annotations of extracts from the Icelandic translation of the novel, originally created as part of the Nordic Treebanking Network and now included in the extended META-NORD Sofie Parallel Treebank. The novel was translated by Adalheidur Steingrimsdottir and the translation published by Forlagið. For more information, see the metadata description of the META-NORD Sofie Parallel Treebank. [less]
The Icelandic part of the META-NORD Sofie Parallel Treebank. This is a syntactically annotated paral… [more]
The Swedish part of the META-NORD Sofie Parallel Treebank. This is a syntactically annotated parallel corpus based on the first chapters of the novel “Sofies verden” (Sophie's World) by Jostein Gaarder, published by Aschehoug forlag. The treebank consists of grammatical annotations of extracts from the Swedish translation of the novel, originally created as part of the Nordic Treebanking Network and now included in the extended META-NORD Sofie Parallel Treebank. The novel was translated into Swedish by Mona Eriksson and published by Rabén & Sjögren Publishing house. For more information, see the metadata description of the META-NORD Sofie Parallel Treebank. [less]
The Swedish part of the META-NORD Sofie Parallel Treebank. This is a syntactically annotated paralle… [more]