


NorGram Newspaper text (30 documents from the years 2006 - 2009) in Norwegian Bokmål from the Norwegian Newspaper Corpus
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Contact Person: Rosén, Victoria
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Please use the following text to cite this resource:
NorGram Newspaper text (30 documents from the years 2006 - 2009) in Norwegian Bokmål from the Norwegian Newspaper Corpus. Created by Infrastructure for the Exploration of Syntax and Semantics. Distributed by the INESS Portal: hdl:11495/DB24-E30D-55EA-1
Size: 246397 sentences , 3157558 words
Language(s): Norwegian (no), Norwegian Bokmål (nb)
The "NorGram Newspaper text (30 documents from the years 2006 - 2009) in Norwegian Bokmål from the Norwegian Newspaper Corpus" treebank is a syntactically annotated corpus based on 30 documents taken from the years 2006 - 2009 from the Norwegian Newspaper Corpus (NCC). This treebank is part of INESS NorGramBank collection (see URL in metadata).

Note that the available treebank contains only those newspaper articles from 2012 and 2013 that have been manually preprocessed; see details otherwheres in the metadata.